Wednesday, April 9, 2008

'Landmark' India labour ruling

A labour court in India has awarded 5m rupees ($122,000) in compensation to an American journalist sacked by the Associated Press (AP) news agency.

The court said the journalist was covered by Indian laws because the agency had a base in India.

Laurinda Keys was sacked in 2004. She went to court in 2005 claiming that her dismissal was without any reason.

Legal experts say the landmark ruling will affect foreign employers and their employees in India.

In her complaint, Ms Keys said her services had been "terminated without any reason on the pretext that her position was being abolished".

Read the Complete Article on BBC News Website......

IF this news is Correct...This Ruling will have will have strong ramifications... I guess this will be the first time such ruling would have been given by an india court....this is a good news for foreign workers working in India...... I belive Labor laws need to be modernized..

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