I found that there is evidence of English Bible code patterns that the software found by skipping varying intervals, in the King James Old Testament or New Testament, made into a block of solid text.
There is a prophecy of the French prophet Nostradamus, that I will quote here.
Century 9, Number 44
"All should leave Geneva.
Saturn turns from gold to iron,
The contrary positive ray (RAYPOZ) will exterminate everything,
there will be signs in the sky before this."
The CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator may be initially turned on in April 2008, and do full testing in the summer of 2008. Located on the France-Switzerland border, near Geneva, it will be by far the most powerful particle accelerator ever built. Built to look for the Higgs particle, by colliding beams of protons, some scientists have expressed concern that a mini black hole or stranglet particle could be created, that could swallow the earth, black holes being small particles that suck into them any matter near them growing in size, and strangelet particles may consist of an unusual combination of fundamental particles and could fuse matter near them into a giant stranglet.
There has also been speculation that a wormhole in space-time could be created. But these Doomsday Machine stories have been scoffed at by physicists who say that if it were possible to create such particles on earth, then it would already have happened from even more powerful cosmic rays that pass through earth all the time. But it has also been argued that LHC could create slow moving micro black holes that could be captured by earth's gravity and go to the center of the earth, whereas black holes produced by cosmic ray collisions would fly off into space. Also, it has been claimed that micro black holes would evaporate as Hawking Radiation, but now that claim is being debated as unproven science, and that the micro black holes might grow in earth's center, swallowing earth in a short period of time. But perhaps creation of a black hole is a holographic parallel to the world reaching 6.66 billion population in 2008, and the rise to power of the Antichrist in Russia. If a black hole is created by LHC, then initially it might not be noticed, but it could gravitate to the center of earth and start swallowing the earth's core, perhaps over years. Perhaps such an event could be the cause of the Mayan calendar prophesy of the December 2012 destruction of earth. Lets hope for the best in this situation. If that should happen then nothing could be done about it. I think it is an interesting coincidence that CERN is turned on as the world population reaches 6.66 billion, 666 being the number of the Antichrist, and as the possible Antichrist Putin reaches 666 months age in April 2008. There has been some debate on this subject in the scientific world, on whether LHC could be a "Black Hole Machine" or even a "Doomsday Machine", some scientists concerned over dangers in building increasingly powerful particle collision machines. Concerning this Nostradamus quatrain, note that Geneva is mentioned, and the "contrary RAYPOZ" could be "contrary positive ray, RAYPOZ", where LHC uses a ray of protons, positive charged particles, truly a positive ray. And "contrary" refers to two proton beams colliding to produce high energy collisions. And it says the positive ray will exterminate everything, does that mean an earth swallowing black hole is created? Or a giant nuclear explosion from a Black Hole or Strangelet? "Saturn turns from gold to iron" could be referring to transmutation of elements, or perhaps it means a black hole that is created will fly off into space and land on the planet Saturn, turning Saturn into a black hole?
Also possibly related to this is Book of Revelation passage 6:14 "And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together", this could be about a black hole swallowing earth.